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You Wheel Dream

You are not important

You are not useful

It doesn't matter how much you tell yourself that

How much you tell you or you fellows

How much you lie to yourself and pretend that there's a plan, there's a reason.

Well, there's not.

You are not important.

How many people will you see dying and vanishing in oblivion until you realize?

You're a piece, a wheel, a replaceable wheel.

And do you want to know why you're replaceable? Because you allowed them to

You let them make you an obedient and docile wheel

A wheel spinning torwards a dream

Make believe there's no sorrow

Make believe there's a rainbow

Somewhere over

Whether you're being replaced 

Discarded as garbage

You will even say: thank you for everything

There's no machine without a wheel

There's no will without the machine

We're as One

One as Wheel

Wheel as We

We're as One

They break you everyday

They fix you every when

You're his victim 

Of a self indulgent stories

The machine fairy tale

"Once upon a time you wheel be!"

"They could, I can, make it all again"

You can't so far, 

It's on you

You're a will

Wheel as One

Work harder, oil, machine, spark, chilling sound, infested ground

So work


And Work

And lose control

Lose control


Control, control, control, control!

More and more and more and more, 

And you wheel get there.

Give us more

And more and more and more and rest

Rest and rest and rust and rust

Make us proud and be

Just be

Be whatever

You are not allowed 

Die until we say

Die your life Die your life Dice your life Dice your life

Slice life Slife life

Rest, rest, rest, rust, rust, rust

You know that story

Yes, that story

Which gives you that feeling that someday things will be different, 

and when you're on the way to your work, 

in a filled-to-the-brim commutation, thinking about, you know

Your favorite celebrity

That person who played you in a movie that made him millions

Or sung about in a song

"Hey, that's me. Someone gets me"

No, they don't.

and eventutally

you believe that you're the only person that can think 

and see the problem, 

You know? THE problem

When everyone else is thinking the same:

"Look at all these people going to work and not making a move towards change."

Well, you are not doing that too.

You are not important

You life is not special

There's no one God you

Unless you look at your image on the mirror sometimes.

They are making you thankful for eating shit

You thank them whenever you have a thought that you think it's original, 

But it's not, they put there for you

You thank them whenever you feel joy, empathy, mercy, or even the hope that someday you'll be saved.

You won't

You are not important.

You are just an obstacle that someday will not.

You're just a wheel

An inconvenient and necessary piece, for their evil.

Whenever you think 'oh, that's ok', you're part of the problem

Whenever you look away, you're part of the problem

Whenever you buy your relief, you're part of the problem

Whenever you filter the truth, you're part of the problem

Whenever you tell yourself things that are not there, you're part of the problem

Whenever you elect someone to take over your responsibility

Whenever you listen to me, and not yourself

Yes, you are not important.

Who is then?

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